
iEARN Featured in The Huffington Post

6 26 2012 The Huffington Post
Ed Gragert

"Statistics can be deadly. In some cases, this can be literally true when it comes to career and health opportunities. Today 61 million young people around the world are not in school, 793 million adults worldwide cannot read these words (64% of whom are women) and 25% of US young people do not graduate from high school in four years (that’s about 5 million youth nationwide and the figure rises to 50% in many urban areas). They will be permanently excluded from meaningful careers and will find it difficult to be able to support themselves and a family. Further, they lack information on health, family planning, technology training, and entrepreneurship that can improve both the quality of their lives and lessen the social economic burden that the rest of society bears in their support."

Check out the full story on The Huffington Post