
An Educator’s Passion Never Retires

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Anne Lambert from San Diego, California retired from her formal teaching and librarian career this year. She spoke to iEARN-USA's Losira Okelo, recently about her career in global collaborative learning and what it has meant to her and her students:

I grew up fifteen minutes from the US-Mexico border in the ‘60’s, and I was always interested in people and cultures. As a teacher I arranged day trips to Tijuana, Mexico, worldwide pen pals, and student exchange programs in Ensenada, Mazatlan, and Europe. By the 90’s I saw the internet as an opportunity for students to travel virtually and to learn languages, but the logistics of our connections were not smooth.

iEARN brought not only other classes ready to participate in academic projects; it provided inspiring and motivating projects that could apply to all our required subjects. I joined iEARN as an individual teacher long before I convinced our school to join. I think of iEARN and of myself as a matchmaker / cheerleader for the ideas of others.

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