Watch this video to hear what teachers have to say about the BRIDGE Program!
“The BRIDGE Program trains teachers not only in the use of the iEARN platform, but also in the kinds of skills that they need to work with teachers in other countries and the tools that are available to make that happen.” -Fay Stump
This newly released video emphasizes the importance of teacher training through the BRIDGE Program. It shows the opportunities the BRIDGE Program provides for professional development for teachers, both through virtual online courses, and an in-person workshop in Morocco.
The video spotlights two teachers, Yasmine Mamdouh, who is a first year science teacher in Cairo, Egypt, and Fay Stump, who recently retired after teaching for 45 years in Virginia, USA. They recount why they got involved with the BRIDGE Program, and what they have learned through it. Yasmine noted, “In the BRIDGE Program, we have the first phase is connecting with educators, and the first time I got a response on one of my posts, it was very exciting, knowing that I am talking to another person in another part of the world, and this is not an opportunity that everyone gets.”
Mohamed Abdel-Kader, the Executive Director of the Stevens Initiative, is also featured in the video. He emphasizes how critical the BRIDGE Program’s work is, saying, “We are looking to support practitioners more; we are looking to build a community of practice, which is one of the reasons why the BRIDGE Program at iEARN is so important.”
Watch the video to learn more about the BRIDGE Program!
The BRIDGE Program is funded by the Stevens Initiative.