
Digital Citizenship in a Globalized World

Length: 90 minutes

Participants: Open to all educators and schools/districts.

What's it All About?

The words “digital” and “global” preface our 21st century understanding of citizenship, but what does it actually mean to be an effective and ethical digital citizen in a globalized world? How can we support students to responsibly contribute to digital, global communities? In this interactive workshop, educators will learn the “what” and “why” of digital citizenship, along with how it relates to global citizenship. Through self-reflection, pedagogical exploration, discussions, and activities, educators will build their own competence as they learn to model responsible digital citizenship and apply tips, strategies, and resources for developing students’ competence as digital citizens in an interconnected and interdependent world.

This workshop will include guest speaker Dr. LeeAnn Lindsay, digital citizenship expert and Edvolve Dig Cit Doctor.

What You'll Learn

By completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain what digital citizenship is and why it is needed
  • Recognize the distinctions and connections between digital and global citizenship
  • Identify personal roles as digital citizens and ways to model responsible, effective, and ethical digital citizenship for students
  • Apply tips, strategies, and resources for developing students’ competence as digital citizens in an interconnected and interdependent world

Format: Interactive virtual workshop — offered on the date(s) listed below to any educator and as a customized workshop for individual schools/districts.

If your school is interested in scheduling this workshop, please email [email protected] 

Virtual Workshop Dates & Registration: Stay tuned!