The Call for Proposals is open for the 2012 Virtual iEARN Conference and Youth Summit!
iEARN educators, youth, and other partners and innovators are invited to submit proposals that share examples and collaborative projects related to connecting classrooms and youth programs, with a strong emphasis on promoting global awareness, fostering global competency, and inspiring action towards solving real–world problems.
This year’s iEARN Conference and Youth Summit is being hosted virtually in conjunction with the third annual Global Education Conference a free week-long online event open to all that brings together participants from around the world in an online environment using Blackboard Collaborate.
For the first time ever, the iEARN Conference and Youth Summit wiil be available for ALL iEARN participants to attend, since attendance at the conference requires no travel or logistics other than finding a way to get online!
Want to present? Visit the Call for Proposals page for more information >
Sessions can be in any language and should be between 20-60 minutes in length. The deadline for workshop submissions is October 15, 2012, but those interested in presenting are encouraged to submit proposals as early as possible as presenters will be notified of acceptance on a rolling basis. See below for examples of sessions that have already been accepted from presenters in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, India, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Qatar, Spain, Turkey, and the USA.
In addition to teacher and student led online sessions, the event will feature keynote sessions jointly with the Global Education Conference (see featured keynoters), as well as a special iEARN Youth Summit Committee-sponsored “iEARN’s Got Talent” event. For information about the Youth Summit, being organized by a youth team from Egypt, Taiwan, and the USA, go to
Stay tuned to for updates about the 2012 Virtual Conference and Youth Summit. See you online in November!!!
Accepted sessions as of September 1, 2012 (times are indicated for those sessions that are already scheduled):
School Uniform Exchange Cindea Huang, Kay Tu, Taiwan; Huri Cinar, Buket Erten&uum;,l Turkey
Plan your year with iEARN projects by celebrating UN International days Alema Nasim, Pakistan; Diane Midness, USA
Collaborative Projects and the Common Core State Standards Diane Midness, Mary Brownell, USA; Geeta Ragan, India
“Teaching students the 21st century skills through iEARN projects Geeta Ragan, India – Nov. 15, 5AM IST (UTC +5)
QR Week Projects Sonia Hurtado Pérez, Catalonia Spain – Nov. 12, 1PM CEST (UTC+2)
Digital Citizenship – becoming digitally responsible Nudrat Rahman Sheikh, Pakistan
Project open for global partnerships “My Birthday- A Historical Day†Nazima Jabeen, Pakistan
The youngcast project: skype with Spanish and English Second Language students Sergi Roura Planas, Catalonia SpainNov. 13, 6PM CEST, (UTC +2)
The Science Fair Project, a concrete example of Experiential Leaning Cycle Miss.Kheira MEZOUGH, Algeria
Public Art Project Mr Jaume Illa and Ms Carmina Pinya, Catalonia Spain
Handheld Devices Redefine Technology in Education Muhammad Hassnain, Qatar
Opportunities and Education(May be moved to Youth Summit) Alyshan Sadruddin, Pakistan
Le mobil learning en formation initiale des enseignants à l’ENS d’Abidjan Antoine Mian, Côte d’Ivoire Nov. 14, 5AM UTC
2012 iEARN Conference “Crossing Boundaries: Sharing Knowledge in an Online Community for Japanese Children in the U.S. and in Japan” Mie Buskirk, USA Nov. 15, 9PM PST (UTC -7)
Educación y Transmedia: Nuevas estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje Mayus Chávez Anduaga, Mexico – Nov. 13, 2 PM CST (UTC – 6)
My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, USA; Said Belgra, Morocco, and Huri Cinar, Turkey
Plastic Pollution Education (May be moved to Youth Summit) Carter and Olivia Ries, USA – Nov 16, 10AM EST (UTC-5)
“El Camà de la Llum”: Un proyecto inclusivo basado en 2.0 (A 2.0 based inclusive project ,Dolors Cabot Cos, Peilei Pan, George Moldovan, Dariana, Nabil, Catalonia Spain
Using Cell Phone as an Inclusive Tool. Mobile learning activity as a generative topic Toni Casserras Gasol, Catalonia Spain
Radio Solidaria Amiga, online- un proyecto colaborativo Mª Magdalena Galiana lloret- Docente, Spain
My birthday, a historical day Nazima Jabeen, Pakistan – Nov. 13, 8AM PKT (UTC +5)
Italy iEARN event Giuseppi Fortunati, Italy – Nov. 14, 12PM CEST (UTC +2)