Through the Photojournalism 2.0 project, iEARN successfully trained 82 educators and over 300 students across Bangladesh, Pakistan and Tajikistan in photojournaslim.
On April 25th, 82 educators from three participating countries completed a 5-week online course, which reviewed key information on journalism and photojournalism. The course also introduced educators to the pedagogy of global project-based learned and helped them align collaborative projects with their school curricula and standards. Each week, teachers from all three countries built lasting partnerships, shared photojournalism projects, and built collaborative projects.
“PJ2.0 met my expectations as it gave me a great amount of knowledge and skills about photojournalism; specifically to be used for social change†– Seem Zahid, Pakistani educator
As a result of the workshop, educators integrated photojournalism curricula into their classes and afterschool activities. Over 300 students from 20 schools across Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Tajikistan learned how to document and tell stories through images.
“Now I am able to think of myself as a skilled teacher, a photographer, and also a member of an international forum†– Md. Shain Ahmed, Bangladeshi educator
The Photojournalism Program (PJ2.0) is made possible through funding from the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.