Connecting Communities, Here and Abroad
Welcome to the iEARN-USA News page, your source for the latest updates, achievements, and stories from our vibrant community of educators, students, and partners worldwide. Stay informed about our initiatives, upcoming events, and opportunities to get involved as we continue to connect and empower youth to create positive change in their communities and beyond.Â
Guimaraes, Keya, 'With a lens on the world,' Martha's Vineyard Times, November 5, 2014.
Join us for the fifth annual Global Education Conference, a free week-long online event during International Education Week, Monday, November 17 through Friday, November 21, 2014.
iEARN-USA and iEARN-Taiwan are teaming up to support the National Wildlife Federation's Eco-Campus Partnership Program, connecting classrooms in the USA and Taiwan for collaborative environmental projects.
Join students in different parts of the world who will be planting bulbs together at the end of November and then tracking when they BLOOM.
Join iEARN youth, educators and coordinators on October 28th as they give back to their local communities through service and sharing.
Register by October 31 to be matched up with a global circle of classes to exchange cards with and to celebrate holiday traditions around the world.
Join iEARN-USA and iEARN partners around the world in this free online conference from Nov 17-21 during International Education Week.
Join iEARN youth, educators and coordinators on October 28th as they give back to their local communities through community service and sharing global projects with others.
Applications are now open for the 2015-16 Kennedy-Lugar YES Abroad program for high school students and recent graduates.
Download the app to connect directly on your iPhone with educators and youth worldwide in iEARN's global project network.
Congratulations to iEARN educator, Chris Baer, National Geographic Geo-Educator of the Week! Read a recent blog post about his work in the One Day in the Life Project, and join him for a Google Hangout on Oct 1.
The Arabic language version of the CSYN Teacher’s Guide to Online Collaboration and Global Projects is now available for educators to view and download online!
Looking for a way to connect your students with global peers? Sign up by September 20th for the upcoming session of iEARN Learning Circles.
Students and educators from Pakistan, Tajikistan and the U.S. come together to celebrate culmination of Photojournalism 2.014 program.
Are you facilitating an iEARN project? Do you have an idea for a new iEARN project? Submit it to be included in the 2014-2015 iEARN Project Book.
Join iEARN-USA in San Jose, CA for a special panel session this Saturday on Virtual Exchanges: Using New Technology to Enhance People-to-People Exchanges.
Check out photos, videos and reports from the 20th iEARN Conference and Youth Summit, hosted by Fundación Evolución / iEARN-Argentina / TELAR in Puerto Madryn, Argentina
Visit the playlist of the 2014 iEARN Adobe Youth Voices Media Festival, held on June 30 in Puerto Madryn, Argentina at the 2014 iEARN Conference and Youth Summit.
Check out recent contributions from Italy, Lebanon, Pakistan, and UAE, including math while traveling, fractions in hospitals and at home in recipes, and use of geometry in daily life.
Students explore and document issues surrounding heritage, hunger and food security.
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