Connecting Communities, Here and Abroad
Welcome to the iEARN-USA News page, your source for the latest updates, achievements, and stories from our vibrant community of educators, students, and partners worldwide. Stay informed about our initiatives, upcoming events, and opportunities to get involved as we continue to connect and empower youth to create positive change in their communities and beyond.Â
Join us in encouraging high school students (ages 15 to 18) to apply for a life changing U.S. State Department study abroad scholarship.
American high school students can apply for a fully-funded scholarship to study abroad! Applications due by December 1, 2016!
Following the online educators course, BRIDGE educators will connect their students to collaborate on global projects across the curricula. BRIDGE educators will be able to choose from five new curriculum units created by experienced iEARN educators and facilitators.
Register to join the September to January session of the iEARN Learning Circles to collaborate with classes around the world.
The 2017 iEARN Conference and Youth Summit will take place from July 16 to 22 in Marrakech, Morocco.
Educators in 11 countries came together in April 2016 to engage in their first professional online training course as a part of iEARN’s new BRIDGE (Building Respect through International Dialogue and Global Education) Program. The program is funded by a two-year grant from The Aspen Institute Stevens Initiative to engage educators and students in the U.S. and MENA-region in meaningful dialogue and collaborative project-based learning.
Global Leadership Week a weeklong convening of events to celebrate leadership through global action in K20 education.
AFS-USA and iEARN-USA Partner to Connect Educators with Physical and Virtual Exchange Opportunities
iEARN-USA receives grant from the Aspen Institute Stevens Initiative to administer virtual exchanges between high schools in the Middle East, North Africa, and the United States for the BRIDGE Program.
Check out a new film featuring the physical and virtual exchange experience of high school students on the Chris Stevens Morocco-USA Youth Media Exchange program.
Present or participate in sessions at the youth-led Student Technology Conference on January 30, 2015.
Register for iEARN Global Learning Circles - highly interactive, project-based partnerships among a small number of schools located throughout the world.
iEARN-USA is pleased to announce the appointment of Tonya Muro as its next Executive Director. We look forward to Tonya joining iEARN!
Join sessions from iEARN educators and students during the 2015 Global Education Conference.
Applications are now open for the 2016-17 Kennedy-Lugar YES Abroad program for high school students and recent graduates.
Students and teachers from Morocco, Chicago, and the Bronx create collaborative video projects at a Digital Storytelling workshop in Washington, D.C. as a part of their virtual exchange program.
Register by October 31 to be partnered with a global circle of classes to exchange cards with and to celebrate holiday traditions around the world.
In partnership with the National Wildlife Federation, iEARN-USA welcomes educators and youth into the second year of the US Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program.
Looking for a way to connect your students with global peers? Register by September 25th for the upcoming session of Learning Circles.
Join a project inviting students worldwide to share their drawings about their native animals and to show the world how beautiful these animals are!
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