Students around the world are invited to write or draw about a local place that is precious to them.
Please select one local spot that gives you a very special feeling and write a story about that spot. You may select any writing genre (creative, informative, humorous, etc.) Describe it, and tell what is special about it for you. Is it a place where you prefer to be alone or with others? Create a word picture so we can experience your special place. Decide what you can do to preserve the uniqueness of this place. Tell us what you did and whether there is anything you want others to do. Very short stories are acceptable (just a few sentences) and stories should be no longer than one page. A book of student/family/teacher stories will be mailed to each participating school.
It is hoped that, in thinking about our own special places, reading about other students’ special places, taking action to preserve such places, we will strengthen our commitment to preserving our fragile Mother Earth.
Interested? Read more on the Special Place Project Page. To join iEARN, see