On Friday 11 November 2011, students and teachers from around the world will document parts of their day using video, photography, writing, and other media. We hope you and your students can join us!
Check out a recent blog posted on Edutopia by the iEARN One Day in the Life Co-Facilitator, Chris Baer – One Day in the Life: An Antidote to Insular Living
For this special event, we are teaming up with filmmakers at www.onedayonearth.org who worked with us last year on 10.10.10.
What should you do?
- Get cameras (or other recording devices, including pencils) into the hands of as many students as you can. (And yourself, too!)
- Instruct your students to document some part of their day on Friday 11 November. Anything that they might document for the regular iEARN One Day in the Life project, they can document for this event as well: their morning routine, a mealtime, their school day (if they attend school on this day), after-school activities, downtown scenes, community scenes, family scenes, time with friends, special events, quiet moments – the possibilities are endless!
You’ll have many weeks to edit and upload your work afterward. There’s no rush. Just focus on capturing what you can on 11.11.11!
Question: Can you use footage, photos, or documents made on a different day?
Answer: No. The idea is to capture a slice of life on Friday 11 November 2011, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. If you don’t attend school that day (most of us in the USA won’t, for instance, nor will much of the Middle East), students will have to be on their own, so prepare them well! (Note: photos, videos, etc. made on other days can still be used in the regular, ongoing, iEARN One Day in the Life Project.)
How can you get started?
- Make yourself an account at www.onedayonearth.org/main/authorization/signUp?
- Be sure to identify yourself as an iEARN teacher, and join our iEARN teachers group at www.onedayonearth.org/group/iearnonedayparticipants
- If your students are 13 years or older, and may be using video (or at least photography), invite them to sign up for their own account as well.
- If you’re looking for video ideas, be sure to watch their trailers for 10.10.10 at www.onedayonearth.org/page/trailers-and-videos (there’s some iEARN student footage within!)
Keep in mind that this event is not a video-only event. It is also part of our regular iEARN One Day in the Life project, so we will soon be setting up special discussion areas for 11/11/11, including places for students to publish text posts and other media. (Even if your students use video, we ask that you post a link to it in the iEARN forums, so that the younger students and the non-video-making students can view, enjoy, and respond to them.)
Do you have any ideas for what you and your students might document on 11-11-11? Please share them! We want to help each other prepare good ideas!
And what’s happening to the 10-10-10 footage from last year? Well, the feature film is due for completion soon. Stay tuned! (In the meantime you can still watch many of the clips at http://archive.onedayonearth.org/index.php/videos )
We hope you can join us for 11-11-11!
All the best-
Chris Baer
Art, Design & Technology teacher
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School
Oak Bluffs, MA USA