Dear iEARN community:
As of March 2020, the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and the virus has spread to many countries and territories.
As the coronavirus continues to impact our communities, we’re committed to supporting our international community of K-12 educators and youth to collaborate and learn together on projects designed to make a difference in the world. Now more than ever, it is important to focus on our shared purpose of improving the quality of life on our planet.
We have added new discussion topics in the iEARN Student Forum and iEARN Teacher Forum, which you can visit upon logging into your iEARN account, to help our network stay connected about this experience in a meaningful way. Next week we will be offering an Info Session webinar for educators interested in learning more about how iEARN projects can be a rich part of their distance learning plans. And please watch for the details of an Educator Hangout series coming soon.
Thank you for being a part of our community – we are truly all in this together,
Stefanie Ortiz Cidlik,
Executive Director, iEARN-USA and the iEARN-USA Team