On April 21, 2012, NSLI-Y students in Taiwan and South Korea participated in volunteer activities as part of Global Youth Service Day.
NSLI-Y students in Taiwan collected funds for seniors living at home alone by encouraging youth to get involved and make a difference in local community. To do this, students walked around getting people to donate receipts to the cause. For the NSLI-Y students, the activity consisted of two activities: a one hour volunteer training session on Friday and the receipt collecting on Saturday.
The NSLI-Y students met with a large group of high school students from Kaohsiung. They then spent several hours walking around the area, trying to get people to donate. One student even got on a small makeshift stage at a nearby event and asked to the crowd to donate receipts to his group. At the end of the day, the students had collected an impressive amount of receipts for donation.
South Korea
In South Korea, NSLI-Y students travelled to Yandong, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to learn about traditional village life and conduct a service activity. After becoming a World Heritage Site in 2010, the growth of tourism brought many unwanted changes for the small, traditional community. The NSLI-Y students’ mission was to create a poster for tourists that would introduce Yagdong from the perspective of the local villagers.
NSLI-Y students visited the village center and met with village leaders to get a local perspective on the issue. After gathering information, the students created posters to voice the thoughts and opinions of the villagers and included some advice to visitors for respecting the local residents. The students gave their informational posters to the head of the village to display for foreign visitors at the Yandong village center.