The fourth annual Global Education Conference, a free week-long online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world, was held Monday, November 18 through Friday, November 22, 2013. A big thank you to Lucy Gray and Steve Hargadon for organizing a wonderful week of global connections!
iEARN educators, youth, and other partners shared examples and collaborative projects related to connecting classrooms and youth programs, with a strong emphasis on promoting global awareness, fostering global competency, and inspiring action towards solving real–world problems.
iEARN-USA was again a supporting partner of the Global Education Conference. See below for recordings of iEARN sessions held during the week.
All Conference recordings can be found here.
iEARN Recorded Presentations- Click on the title link to go the presentation room.
Monday, Nov. 18
2PM EST (19:00 GMT)
Making International Education for Everyone – David Potter. A session on the importance of giving all young people the opportunity to have a meaningful cross-cultural experience as part of their education. View recorded session
3PM EST (20:00 GMT)
My Hero Learning Circles and Call to Action- Wendy Millet and Wendy Jewel. Join the MY HERO Global community through the MY HERO Learning Circles and create your own Call To Action in your community. View recorded session
8PM EST (Nov. 19, 1:00 GMT)
IIME develops 21st century skills through international collaborative learning – Atsuko Shiwaka. 21st century skills of the students are rising through an international collaborative learning project called International Intercultural Mural Exchange (IIME). View recorded session
Lessons for All: the right of education and barriers worldwide – Donna Roman. Lesson for All focuses on the right of education and the barriers that youth around the world experience. View recorded session
Tues., Nov. 19
6AM EST (11:00 GMT)
My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action – Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, Huri Cinar, Said Belgra, Asma Albriki, Budi Setlawati.The presentation/discussion “My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action” will focus on the structure, content and benefits of the iEARN online web forum project–My Identity, Your Identitywhere students and teachers connect to learn about one another’s cultures. View recorded session
10AM EST (15:00 GMT)
Able-bodied Individual’s Perceptions of People with Disabilities– Dr. Jamal Din Slimani. This presentation will be about “normal” people’s perceptions and misperceptions of individual who have disabilities. View recorded session
One Gesture At A Time: Knowledge and Action Hand in Hand – Springside Chestnut Hill Academy students. In this workshop, middle school girls will describe their daily efforts before school and at lunch/recess, to care for four hens and one chick as part of their micro-financing efforts take action in the world against hunger and poverty. View recorded session
5PM EST (22:00 GMT)
Proyecto “Celebraciones en la Red” – Cristina Velazquez. “Celebraciones en la Red” es un proyecto telecolaborativo internacional, de la Red TELAR-iEARN que busca revalorizar las celebraciones en el mundo. View recorded session
Wedn., Nov. 20
7AM EST (12:00 GMT)
Join Radijojo World Children’s Media Network: Award winning global competency empowerment for your students- Thomas Rohlinger. How to participate in one of the world’s best (and non-commercial!) global learning media networks. View recorded session
8AM EST (13:00 GMT)
Photojournalism 2.0 and 2.014 Engaging Educators in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tajikistan and the United States – Nicole Weitzner. Farah Kamal, Firuz Baratov. Join us and learn about iEARN’s unique and exciting Photojournalism 2.0: Images of Social Change program and how you can participate in this year’s Photojournalism 2.014: Heritage, Hunger, and Food Security program.

 View recorded session
9AM EST (14:00 GMT)
Video Blogging as a Resource for Language Learning Enhancement – Curtis Young, This session focuses on students and teachers around the world who are using video blogs to enhance their language learning experience and cultural competency. View recorded session
11AM EST (16:00 GMT)
Internationalization of learning in experiences in collaborative project “Our Rivers, Our World”– Rajib Lochan Das. The session will highlight on how the secondary and higher secondary level students can learn in an internationalized approach to become competent for the 21st century. View recorded session
5PM EST (22:00 GMT)
Passport to the World – Susie Oh. Students learn about different people and places from around the world and share a digital story about their travel journey. View recorded session
7PM EST (0:00 Thursday Nov. 21 GMT)
Margaret Riel – Improve your Skills as a Global Educator through Action Researcher View recorded session
Thurs, Nov. 21
6AM EST (11:00 GMT)
Use of Media Arts and Performing Arts for Cross Cultural Understanding – Alema Nasim. This session will introduce O3: Our Family, Our Neighborhood, Our World project among educators and students from India and Pakistan to learn use of media arts and creative arts as a tools for cross-cultural understanding and collaboration in their classrooms and taking action in their communities for social change. View recorded session
7AM EST (12:00 GMT)
The Impact of Physical Exchanges on West African Students– Aqeela Jogee Cutter, Francois Donfack, Leroy Beldeh, and Jane Peters. The impact physical exchanges have on students from West Africa. View recorded session
8AM EST (13:00 GMT)
Connecting Classrooms in the U.S., Middle East, and North Africa through Online Projects – Jennifer Russell. his session will share examples, best practices, and advice for connecting classrooms in the U.S. and MENA region to start online, collaborative projects. View recorded session
10AM EST (15:00 GMT)
iEARN Local History Project as a tool to develop the 21st Century Skills and enhange cross-cultural dialogue – Rimma Zhukova, Patty Wu, Hiba Kheirbik. This session is about the iEARN Local History project and its activiites enhance our students key competencies. View recorded session
2PM EST (19:00 GMT)
Student Driven Environmental Projects – Kathy Bosiak and students. This session will share several project based, global, environmental projects and how they can be incorporated into new state standards.View recorded session
3PM EST (20:00 GMT)
International School Award-Tariq Refaat Bahi Eldin. It will be about turning the teaching process into learning process through different styles like learning through projects or learning through using different tasks by using different tools of media.View recorded session
Introducing Global Peerspectives on Disability in the Classroom – Ashley Bryant. Teachers with all levels of understanding or experience with disability issues or working with students with disabilities View recorded session
Fri., Nov. 22
7AM EST (12:00 GMT)
Global Project Based Learning and 21st Century Skills are dialectically connected – Samah AlJundi, Hiba Kheirbeik & Yousef Alhayek. Project Based Learning and 21 century skills are dialectically connected. View recorded session
9AM EST (14:00 GMT)
Using Online Resources for Teaching EFL to Students from Underserved Communities – Muhammad Saleem Ibrahim. will share my experience of using specially developed online resources for teaching English to students from under-served and underprivileged communities enrolled in a U.S. Government funded project called English Access Microscholarship Program. View recorded session