In honor of Exchange Day, iEARN-USA invites our community to join in the festivities! iEARN-USA will be on social media, celebrating the power of international exchange.
Connecting Youth through Virtual and Physical Exchange Programs
iEARN-USA provides opportunities for K-12 classrooms to collaborate with their peers virtually around the world through UN Sustainable Development Goal aligned iEARN Global Projects.
iEARN-USA also proudly partners on renowned physical student exchange programs, including:
The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, provides merit-based scholarships for eligible high school aged students to learn less commonly taught languages in summer and academic-year overseas immersion programs.
The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, provides scholarships for secondary school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend one academic year in the United States.
Share Your Exchange Story
Are you a current virtual or physical exchange program participant or alumni? We want to hear from you! Follow iEARN-USA on Instagram and tag us @iearnusa, #ExchangesImpact, #ExchangeDay2019, and post a video or photo sharing how participating in international exchange has impacted your life.
Exchange Day is a nationwide celebration of the power of international exchange. Participants come together to “eat, play, and give” — to share cultural diversity and American customs, to give back to their communities, and to have some fun. Exchange Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of international exchange programs and spread the word about the positive impact and breadth of exchange programs. Learn more by visiting: