Beauty of the Beasts Project

Beauty of the Beasts Project

Students from different countries share their drawings about their native animals and show the world how beautiful these animals are! As part of the project, students in some classes in the USA had a chance to be close to animals – to play with them, obverse them, and draw them. Students felt so happy to know more about these animals.

Beauty of the Beasts Animoto Video

Beauty of the Beasts Project is a global project inviting children to capture the grandeur and magnificence of animals indigenous to their areas through original artwork. It increases awareness of and respect for regional indigenous animals.

Find out more about the project on the Beauty Of The Beasts in the iEARN Collaboration Centre. Not yet an iEARN member? Join now!
Reported by iEARN-USA Student Intern, Yiyi Pan
Talking Kites Around the World

Talking Kites Around the World

Join students from around the world in making kites to fly as a massive tribute dedicated to advancing the cultural and social dialog, a symbol of bridging the gap and understanding the “other.” This will hopefully become a continuous tradition of flying kites with personal and group images of our dreams for a better world, a world of co-existence, tolerance, acceptance of the “other” and peace.

“It is important in today’s political climate that we express to the world that peace is within our grasp,” said Adi Yekutieli, founder of the 10,000 Kites Project. Yekutieli, an artist, says he envisions “organized groups a wide spectrum of groups, adults, children, Israeli, Palestinian, citizens around the world coming together and each person will hold aloft a kite which he or she has decorated, as a symbol of dialogue, brotherhood and understanding of the other side. Each participant will be flying a kite with his or her thoughts, fears, dreams, and hopes.”

Kites will be flown on the March Equinox. In 2015, kites will be flown on and around March 21. The project is dedicated to Janusz Korczak, who advocated for the rights of children.

Get involved via the Taking Kites Around the World Project page on the iEARN Collaboration Centre.

Registration open for Jan-May 2015 session of iEARN Learning Circles

Registration open for Jan-May 2015 session of iEARN Learning Circles

Looking for a way to connect your students with global peers? Sign up by January 25th (registration deadline extended!) for the upcoming session of iEARN Learning Circles, which will run from January 30 – May 25, 2015 (15 weeks with a 1-week break in April).

Learning Circles are highly interactive, project-based partnerships among a small number of schools located throughout the world. There are two sessions each year, September – January and January – May.

Over 15 weeks, you’ll have a chance to work with a small number of classrooms from around the world on a Learning Circle theme of your choice.

The structure of a Learning Circle comes from its design of phases. The first phase, “Getting Ready” at the start of the course, prepares you for participation in the project. In the following phases you get to know other circle members and progress to working together under your selected theme, but with your own curriculum. Your circle closes with each classroom presenting a final product that demonstrates the quality of learning that has taken place. Learn more about Learning Circles at

In addition to hands on support throughout the session, educators have access to a comprehensive Learning Circles Teachers Guide.

To participate in an iEARN Learning Circle, educators must first register in iEARN, and then fill out a Learning Circles Placement form.

Not yet a member of iEARN? Learn more about iEARN registration in the USA at

Fall Project Ideas: Daffodil and Tulip Project

Join students in different parts of the world who will be planting bulbs together at the end of November. Once the bulbs are planted, participants collect data on latitude, longitude, sunlight, and temperature, and then track when their bulbs bloom.


Students will be asked to collect temperature data throughout the experiment and report to the group – in addition they will report when the blooms appear. Teachers will find that this project can be used to teach many skills for many age levels.

While participants are “waiting” for the blooms, they can connect in the online forum and will have opportunities to use math skills (graphing, converting metric to English or the reverse, Temperature conversions F to C and the reverse), science skills (hypothesizing what effects bloom date, collecting data, comparing and analyzing data) appreciate geography and culture (learning about the other parts of the world as the students share their similar projects), Language Arts, (as students write to each other about their experience. some teachers are also planning to use this project to help teach English as a second language classes), and Creative Arts (finding connections in the arts to daffodils and tulips). The project can be as involved or as simple as your class needs it to be.

If you are already an iEARN member, visit the Daffodil and Tulip Project Page and login to the project forum to get involved. To join iEARN, see

Registration open for 2014 iEARN Holiday Card Exchange Project

Registration open for 2014 iEARN Holiday Card Exchange Project

In the iEARN Holiday Card Project, facilitated by Judy Barr in Australia, teachers and students prepare an envelope containing holiday cards and send them using snail mail to the other schools in their group between October and December. Students are invited to make Christmas, New Year’s, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Eid, or other cards celebrating their special holidays. Students are encouraged to explain how their family and their community celebrates, the type of food that is eaten and other traditions associated with the event. Each school will be placed in a group with approximately seven other schools and will prepare either handmade or purchased cards to send to each of the other schools.

If you are already an iEARN member, sign up for the project on the Holiday Card Project Forum on the Collaboration Centre. Learn more about iEARN membership in the USA here.

Register by October 31st to be matched with a group of partner classes for the 2014 Holiday Card Exchange.

This project involves postal mailings, so participants are encouraged to plan ahead to estimate whether associated costs are within their budget.

Sign up now for the Sept 2014 – Jan 2015 Session of iEARN Learning Circles!

Sign up now for the Sept 2014 – Jan 2015 Session of iEARN Learning Circles!

Looking for a way to connect your students with global peers? Sign up by September 20th for the upcoming session of iEARN Learning Circles, which will run from September 30, 2014 to January 15, 2015 (15 weeks with a 1-week break in April).

Learning Circles are highly interactive, project-based partnerships among a small number of schools located throughout the world. There are two sessions each year, September – January and January – May.

Registration is now open (through September 15) for the next session of iEARN Learning Circles, which will run from September 30, 2014 to January 15, 2015.

Over 15 weeks, you’ll have a chance to work with a small number of classrooms from around the world on a Learning Circle theme of your choice.

The structure of a Learning Circle comes from its design of phases. The first phase, “Getting Ready” at the start of the course, prepares you for participation in the project. In the following phases you get to know other circle members and progress to working together under your selected theme, but with your own curriculum. Your circle closes with each classroom presenting a final product that demonstrates the quality of learning that has taken place.

In addition to hands on support throughout the session, educators have access to a comprehensive Learning Circles Teachers Guide.

To participate in an iEARN Learning Circle, educators must first be registered as a member of iEARN, and then fill out a Learning Circles Placement form. For more information about iEARN Learning Circles, visit