Global Education Conference 2019

Global Education Conference 2019

Join sessions hosted by iEARN-USA and iEARN International partners at the 9th annual Global Education Conference, November 18-20, 2019. The 9th annual Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. Activities are designed to significantly increase opportunities for connecting classrooms while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity and educational access for all.

To participate in conference sessions:

1) Register at:

2) Then find your timezone on the schedule by scrolling to the bottom of this link, and click to view and join sessions:

iEARN-USA and iEARN educators and partners are hosting sessions throughout the conference. View a sample of events below, please note that all session times are listed in Eastern Standard Time, visit the schedule to confirm the event time in your timezone:


Strategies for Integrating Global Competence – Connie Rensink, Global Education Specialist (LINK TO JOIN)

Mon, November 18, 5pm – 6pm (EST)

Presenters: Connie Rensink, Rachel Manley, Emily Mendelson, Hazar Yildiri, U.S.A.

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience: Educators K-12, Education Leadership, Higher Education

Short Session Description: The Global Education Coalition Steering committee will facilitate an interactive discussion about strategies for integrating Global Competence into instruction. Topics will include global competence, foreign exchange, virtual exchange, project based learning, online collaborative learning, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Teachers are invited to share their best practices within this discussion.


Tue, November 19, 5am – 6am (EST)

Presenters: Veronica Woo Eu Cheng – TESL Teacher-cum-ICT Coordinator, Ipoh, Perak, MALAYSIA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience: School Administrators, Teachers, Students, Parents and Local Communities

Short Session Description: This session discusses how participation in foreign student exchange programme such as the American Field Service (AFS) Exchange Programme and iEARN Asian Student Exchange Programme could be a powerful catalyst in promoting intercultural learning and assisting students to accept diversity by aligning it to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Proyectos telecolaborativos y acciones positivas hacia los ODS (Sustainable Development Goals)

Tue, November 19, 6am – 7am (EST)

Presenter: Prof. Cristina Velazquez, Directora de Proyecto Internacional “e-ducadores del Mundo”.

Presentation Language: English

Target Audience: Educadores, estudiantes

Short Session Description: Descubra cómo puede conectarse con educadores y sus estudiantes de todo el mundo de habla hispana, a través de diferentes proyectos telecolaborativos y acciones positivas hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (Sustainable Development Goals).

Global Collaboration in the K-12 Classroom: How Virtual Exchange Can Mobilize Educators and Youth to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Tue, November 19, 8am – 9am (EST)

Presenters: Rachel Manley, iEARN-USA and Mari Sekine, iEARN Japan

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience: educators, youth, policymakers, administrators, NGO representatives, and other professionals interested in virtual exchange

Short Session Description: Global Collaboration in the K-12 Classroom: How Virtual Exchange Can Mobilize Educators and Youth to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction to iEARN: The What’s, Why’s and How’s of Engaging Students in Global Projects

Tue, November 19, 2pm – 3pm (EST)

Projects Presenters: Nicole Weitzner, Manager of Membership Services, iEARN-USA and Jennifer Russell, Director of Education

Presentation Language: English

Target Audience: educators, school administrators, youth, and other professionals interested in iEARN’s global virtual exchange projects and how to get started
Full Session

Description: Are you looking for a way to globalize your classroom and have your students learn not only about the world, but learn with the world? Join this presentation to learn about the benefits of engaging students in global project collaboration through virtual exchange and how you and your school or district can start engaging your students in iEARN’s global virtual exchange projects. This presentation is open to educators, school administrators, youth, and other professionals interested in iEARN’s global projects and wanting to learn about how to get started. The presentation will include an overview of iEARN’s history, global network and projects; a closer look at two iEARN projects, their structure and outcomes; a discussion of the benefits of engaging students in global project work; educator support and opportunities for iEARN members; and how to become a member of iEARN.

MY HERO: Stories, Art and Films Celebrating Heroes Around the Globe

Tue, November 19, 8pm – 9pm (EST)

Presenter: Laura Nietzer, U.S.A

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience: Teachers

Session Description: Learn how to use MY HERO’s FREE multimedia resources, tutorials and curated lesson plans with students to promote character education, media literacy and story telling skills.

Tengo un Robot (link to join)

Wed, November 20, 12pm – 1pm (EST)

Presenters: Erick Calderón, Guatemala and Nilda Charrua, Urugua (IDEARED)

Presentation Language: Español

Target Audience: Educadores, empleados escolares, estudiantes y otros profesionales interesados en los proyectos de intercambio virtual global de iEARN

Short Session Description: Un excelente proyecto de Robótica para acompañar la formación educativa haciendo uso de las disciplinas STEAM y el movimiento Maker con el propósito de generar interés en los participantes por la exploración de contenidos, el empleo de la creatividad , la experiencia de compartir sus logros alcanzados con otros centros educativos y conocer nuevos ambientes del empleo de la robótica. El cual aplica y contribuye con varios de los objetivos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

Celebrating Exchange Day on August 5th!

Celebrating Exchange Day on August 5th!

In honor of Exchange Day, iEARN-USA invites our community to join in the festivities! iEARN-USA will be on social media, celebrating the power of international exchange.

Connecting Youth through Virtual and Physical Exchange Programs

iEARN-USA provides opportunities for K-12 classrooms to collaborate with their peers virtually around the world through UN Sustainable Development Goal aligned iEARN Global Projects.

iEARN-USA also proudly partners on renowned physical student exchange programs, including:

The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, provides merit-based scholarships for eligible high school aged students to learn less commonly taught languages in summer and academic-year overseas immersion programs.

The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, provides scholarships for secondary school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend one academic year in the United States.

Share Your Exchange Story

Are you a current virtual or physical exchange program participant or alumni? We want to hear from you! Follow iEARN-USA on Instagram and tag us @iearnusa, #ExchangesImpact, #ExchangeDay2019, and post a video or photo sharing how participating in international exchange has impacted your life.

Exchange Day is a nationwide celebration of the power of international exchange. Participants come together to “eat, play, and give” — to share cultural diversity and American customs, to give back to their communities, and to have some fun. Exchange Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of international exchange programs and spread the word about the positive impact and breadth of exchange programs. Learn more by visiting:

Global Educators Webinar

Global Educators Webinar

Are you a global educator or ready to globalize your classroom? Join us on first Wednesday of every month for a live webinar related to global education, project-based learning, virtual exchange, iEARN Global Projects and more!

Events are hosted by expert iEARN-USA staff members, iEARN Global Project Facilitators and educators, and special guests. Register to attend at

iEARN is a global network of engaged educators and students learning, skill-sharing, and working together virtually on meaningful curriculum-based projects aligned with the UN’s Sustainable development goals (SDGs). Learning with the world…not just about it

Register for the Next Webinar

Tuesday, December 5, 7pm ET: Celebrating Cultural Heritage, Customs and Traditions

Join iEARN-USA at our next virtual hang-out on December 5th at 7:00 pm EST. This webinar will feature iEARN projects celebrating cultural heritage, customs and traditions. Come learn about these projects and iEARN Professional Development opportunities, and connect with other global educators.

Hosted by iEARN-USA education team members: Rachel Manley, Nicole Weitzner and Jennifer Russell. RSVP at:

Celebrate Global Collaboration this #GivingTuesday with iEARN-USA

Celebrate Global Collaboration this #GivingTuesday with iEARN-USA

Join iEARN-USA on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 as we celebrate #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, volunteerism and kindness.

Our goal on #GivingTuesday is to raise $15,000 in funds to support iEARN’s global education programs and initiatives and celebrate with our global community! We’ll be hosting live-events and sharing announcements all day on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. RSVP to receive updates and information about how you can participate as a community fundraiser, donor, and supporter of global education.

Here are four ways to support iEARN-USA this GivingTuesday:

1) Make a Donation to iEARN-USA
We need your help to reach a goal to raise $15,000 in funds to support iEARN’s global education programs and initiatives and celebrate with our global community.

Visit to make a contribution today or donate on Facebook.

2) Become an GivingTuesday Global Fundraiser
Start your own Facebook Fundraiser in support of iEARN-USA. It’s easy, fun, and you can set your goal at any level. Ready to get started or want more information? Download the toolkit.

3) Attend SDG Virtual Events on Tuesday, November 27, 2018

This Giving Tuesday, iEARN-USA is excited to be hosting two webinars, “Youth Action for SDGs: Gender Equality” and “Youth Action for SDGs: The Environment,” celebrating the inspiring work that iEARN youth around the world are doing in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Read on for more details, including how to register.

Learn more about the webinars:…

4) Share your iEARN Love

Share your iEARN story with your community and bring awareness to iEARN’s vibrant community of youth and educators around the world! Tag us @iearnusa #iearn2018 #iearn30.

Questions about Giving Tuesday? Email Julia Heitner, Development and Communications Manager, at [email protected].

RSVP for #GivingTuesday Events

Global Education Happy Hour in NYC

Global Education Happy Hour in NYC

STA Travel and iEARN-USA present

Global Education Happy Hour
For K-12 Educators
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

STA Travel – Flagship Store
722 Broadway, New York, NY 10003

Admission is free, $10 suggested donation

Meet and mingle with other K-12 educators interested in global education, learn about global projects for your classroom, and take home some great SWAG and prizes!
Are you a global educator or interested in learning more about how to incorporate global curriculum into your classroom? Join like-minded educators and members of the global education community for an evening of drinks and discussion.
A $10 donation helps support iEARN-USA and future events, and also enters you for a raffle to win a $250 travel credit to STA Travel.

All donations go to support iEARN-USA’s global education programs and initiatives to support opportunities for youth and educators to have meaningful intercultural exchanges and connect with their peers around the world.

Register for the Event

Event Hosts

STA Travel has more than 35 years of experience as the youth travel expert enabling students and young adults to explore the world by creating experiences filled with adventure, discovery and personal growth. We offer a unique range of products with exclusive discounts on airfare, accommodations, tours, rail passes and more. Globally, we are present in 60 countries with 200 retail locations, sending more than 6 million travelers away each year.

iEARN-USA is a member of iEARN (International Education and Resource Network), the world’s largest, most experienced online K-12 network that enables young people worldwide to use the Internet and digital media to collaborate on educational projects. The Mission of iEARN-USA is to empower young people, their schools and their communities through global collaboration and transformative learning.

iEARN-USA Online Events and Webinars

iEARN-USA Online Events and Webinars

Upcoming Events

Back to School with iEARN Projects – Live Webinar

Get inspired for fall! Share and learn about collaborative global projects for K-12 classrooms. HOSTED BY

August 29, 2018, 4pm ET (REGISTRATION CLOSED)

September 12, 2018, 9pm ET (REGISTER)

Past Events

  • Wednesday, March 28, 4pm EST – iEARN-USA Office Hours iEARN Projects and the SDGs: How can global projects engage youth in building a more sustainable world? Join this edition of office hours to learn about iEARN projects that address the SDGs. Register and join at:
  • Wednesday, April 25, 9am EST – iEARN Conference Webinar: Program & Activities
  • Wednesday, May 16, 4pm EST – iEARN-USA Office Hours
  • Wednesday, June 20, 4pm EST – iEARN Conference Webinar: Preparing for Your Journey


Watch the iEARN 2018 Conference and Youth Summit webinar to learn everything about attending the 2018 iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit. (Originally recorded on February 21, 2018).

Topics covered include: registration, accommodation, venue, submitting proposals, and planning your visit to Winchester, VA in this comprehensive webinar hosted by iEARN-USA staff members and special guests.

Learn more about the 2018 iEARN Conference and Youth Summit at

January 24, 4pm EST – iEARN Office Hours – Joining iEARN Projects in 2018
Start your new year with global projects! In this edition of office hours, we’ll cover how to get started with iEARN projects and review some special projects and Learning Circles that your class can join in the upcoming months – from Global Youth Service Day to Talking Kites Around the World. Join the event at:

December 19, 4pm EST – iEARN Office Hours – Holiday Card Exchange

Join us for a celebration of world holidays with the Holiday Card Exchange Project for our monthly office hours. Tuesday, December 19 at 4:00 pm EST. To participate visit:

November 28, 2017 – Celebrate Giving Tuesday with iEARN-USA!

Join us for a “Passport to iEARN” on Tuesday, November 28. From 9am-10pm, members of the iEARN-USA staff and community will be hosting live webinars every hour. RSVP on EventBrite for updates.
November 13-16 – iEARN @ Global Education Conference

A schedule of iEARN hosted events will be posted soon. Visit http://www.globaleducationconf… to learn more about the virtual conference.

October 24, 2017, 7pm EDT – iEARN Office Hours – October 2017

iEARN educators share how they forged new projects and international partnerships from the connections they made at the iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit in Morocco. Hosted by Jennifer Russell.

View the Facebook Live recording at this link.

September 21, 2017, 9am EST – iEARN-USA @ Global Collaboration Day 2017 “Engaging Students in Global Collaborative Projects.”

As part of Global Collaboration Day, on September 22, 2017, join Jennifer Russell, iEARN-USA’s Director of Education and friends in a webinar on “Engaging Students in Global Collaborative Projects.” Global Collaboration Day is hosted by Global Education Events. To learn more about Global Collaboration Day and other events visit:

Watch the Facebook Live recording below or by visiting iEARN-USA’s Facebook Page.


August 2017 – Project Picker
Looking for a project to join this fall? Jennifer Russell and iEARN Project Facilitators, Yoko Takagi (iEARN Japan), Ruty Hotzen (iEARN Israel), Fay Stump (iEARN-USA), Mary Brownell (iEARN-USA), and Virginia King (iEARN Australia) share current project opportunities.
View the Facebook Live Recording below or by clicking here.

May 2017
Jennifer Russell hosts a Q&A on “Celebrating Final Project Outcomes”

April 2017
iEARN’s Global Leadership Week session, “Learn With the World through Global Project Based Learning.”