Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program
Provides opportunities for teachers to participate in direct exchanges of positions with colleagues from other countries for a semester or a year. By living and working abroad, exchange teachers gain an understanding and appreciation of different educational systems and cultures, and enrich their schools and communities by providing students with new perspectives about the world in which they live. Application Deadline: October 15th, 2011. Go to the Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange website>
The Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Program
Designed to recognize and encourage excellence in teaching in the U.S. and abroad. Highly talented U.S. and international teachers are selected to receive a grant to study at a university, conduct research, teach classes and workshops, and develop a project pertaining to their field of educational inquiry during their semester overseas. Application Deadline: December 15th, 2011. Go to the Fulbright Distinguished Award website >