Christy Allison

Ann Tollefson

Ann Tollefson is a national consultant in the development, implementation, and evaluation of world-language programs. She began her career as a high school teacher of French where she received a number of teaching awards, including Wyoming Teacher of the Year. After working as a district-level administrator, she served as the world-language content specialist for the Wyoming Department of Education.

She was project director of five area-studies projects funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities: working with national and international scholars to engage K-12 teachers in the year-long study of five regions of the world: Africa, the Far East, India, the Middle East, and Russia. She was also project director of four FLAP grants funded by the US Department of Education, and a Fulbright-Hayes Group Project Abroad to West Africa.

She served as President of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in 1997 and was awarded the ACTFL Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in K-12 Foreign Language Education in 2002

Since becoming an independent consultant she has worked around the nation with K-16 language programs. She was the outside evaluator of the Utah and Delaware Dual Language Immersion Programs and the 17-state Chinese Flagship consortium. She has also worked since its inception with the STARTALK Program funded by the US Department of Defense and led by the National Foreign Language Center, serving as a site-team leader and advisor, where she has visited student and teacher-preparation programs around the country.

In her heart, she remains a classroom teacher.


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