Congratulations to all the youth media makers from around the world who screened their videos at the event and all the youth artists whose work is part of the larger global iEARN Adobe Youth Voices media collection for the 2013-2014 program year.
Want to see the videos shown at the 2014 iEARN Adobe Youth Voices Media Festival? See
- the 2014 iEARN/AYV Festival Playlist on the iEARN Adobe Youth Voices YouTube Channel
- Or 2014 iEARN/AYV Festival Playlist on the iEARN-USA Vimeo Channel
Download a festival program guide here (pdf) and see the full list of festival videos below.
Act One
Love and Beauty
Madre de la Misericordia School, Argentina
Cinderella Story
Moscow State University of Psychology & Education,
Colegiul National “Ecaterina Teodoroiu,†Romania
Making a Difference
Choosing a Bride in Black & White
Gulbai Government. Girls Secondary School, Pakistan
Save Our Dreams
Slonin Secondary School #2, Belarus
Small Step Can Change the World
St. Francis Xavier High School, Taiwan
Heartbeat of the World
Fieldcrest Elementary School
HongLing Middle School, China
Act Two
Our Earth
For the Purity of the Whole Earth
Gymnasium College of Arts of Molodechno, Belarus
First Magic of a Fresh Witch
Ageotachibana High School, Japan
Myshariks – Mouseland
Studio “CoMarFilmâ€, Palace of Creativity, Russia
Youth and School Culture
Life is Boring
ZhuWei High School, Taiwan
A Day at Our School
Van Koetsveldschool School, Netherlands
Time of Progress
Stratford School of English, Argentina
Get a Life
“Alexandru Papiu Ilarian” High School, Romania
Virtual World Addiction
EE Prof. Maria do Carmo Ricci Von Zuben, Brazil