
Tunisian Students explore Historical Landmarks around the World

Besma Maraouri
iEARN Teacher

Besma Maraoui teaches at Modal Junior High School in Monastir, Tunisia. The project her and her students chose was called My Identity, Your Identity: Historical Landmarks and Famous Places. This project persuades the students to share their culture and explore the different cultures around the world through researching and visiting historical landmarks.

Step One: Teacher Training

Tunisia Teacher Training

In a workshop at the CREFOC, Monastir, eight teachers attended the workshop and were registered with BRIDGE projects. Each of the teachers took the program and used what they learned at the program in their classrooms.

Step Two: Student Activities

Tunisia Student Work
Tunisia Student Work 2
Tunisia Student Work 3

Step Three: Field Trips

Tunisia Field Trip
Tunisia Field Trip 2
Tunisia Field Trip 3
Tunisia Field Trip 4
Tunisia Field Trip 5
Tunisia Field Trip 6

To show what they had learned the students were expected to work in pairs and groups to prepare Powerpoints and a video about the visits sharing what they had learned and the significance it had on their daily lives.

Tunisia Student Project Presentations